Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #10

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #10

Welcome back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

It seems like it’s actually going to happen. It honestly doesn’t feel real yet.

We’re heading to Italy in 9 days. The EU, and Italy in particular, have essentially removed all travel restrictions for fully vaccinated people coming from the US. That’s exactly what we are, and we’re among the first people to try out their new system when we head over to Rome on July 6. In case you’re looking to do something similar, here’s a good news article talking all about it.

I mean, I’m not sure what to even say right now. It’s been such a long wait, and we’ve been talking about taking this trip, and going on our 1+ year round the world trip ever since we left our jobs March of last year. 464 days on hold, waiting to do the thing that we’ve been wanting to do. We’ve gone back and forth on where to start, how to get there, should we even go at all, should we start in Asia, or Europe, or South America, or literally anywhere that will take us… we’ve booked and cancelled more flights than I can remember. We’ve tried so many versions of this same trip. But now, it looks like the world is actually, like really, reopening this time. I feel a mixture of disbelief, hesitancy, and over-the-moon excitement.

This is what the first leg of our trip looks like. Into Rome first, then Florence, on to Venice, then Genoa. Pretty standard, right? Well, this is the what the rest of the next 4-5 months looks like -

So much spaghetti. We’ll go through all of it in an upcoming video. And for those of you in the know, there’s a big spoiler in there for something epic happening all the way to next year. More on that much, much later :) I just… I want to cry tears of joy just thinking about that fact that in 9 days, we’re going to be in Europe, making epic videos for all of you, and getting to actually start the thing that we’ve been talking about for so long. It feels like we’ve spent the last 16!! months on hold, and now finally we get to start. We’re ready. I think?

What’s going on now?

We’re spending time with friends and family at our cabin in the Northwoods of Wisconsin right now, trying to cram in as much family time as we can before we leave for 1-2… maybe 3 years away. Our great friends from Hawaii are here as well, and we promised them the best 4th of July of their entire lives. I intend to come through on that promise. Northwoods 4th’s are something different :)

Today we’re going to do some fishing, kayaking, bacon-eating, disc golfing, and every other outdoorsy Wisconsin thing we can think of. There’s no better people that I can think of to spend my last few days in the US with.

Videos this week

There's more than you think

This week we’ve just been going through everything that you need to do before you leave for a long trip like the one we’re about to head out on. There’s so much to think about - I hope this video helps someone out there who is about to do something similar to what we’re doing. It feels good to get rid of everything you don’t need, downsize to a single backpack, and take care of all of the little things that make it so that you can focus entirely on the trip.

So, that’s it for this week. ROME IN 9 DAYS BABY!!@!!!

See you next Sunday :)

- josh (and lisa)