Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #11

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #11

Welcome back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

Ok, so, it’s been a few weeks. That’s my bad. A lot has been going on.

First, we spent our last few days in the US for the next few years with our friends and family at our cabin in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. We did all the most Wisconsin-y things that we could think of - canoeing, cheese curds, watching the Bucks win, lumberjack shows, craft beer, campfires, smores - the whole thing.

After that, basically, a whirlwind happened, and we were in the middle of it all. We drove from Wisconsin to Minneapolis, then spent 1 night at my brothers place, cried and hugged goodbye, and then hopped on a plane to Dallas, to connect to our flight to ROME. It looked like it was really going to happen this time - it really did seem like we were going to make it. And then, well, the plane left without us. All that’s in this video below -

Will we make it to Rome? | Traveling to Italy from the US 2021

Then, after JUST BARELY missing our flight to Rome the first time, we were rebooked onto the next flight the next day, and made that one. And, in a genuine miracle, we actually began our trip. The one that we had been wanting to take forever. The one that we had been planning for at least 3 years. The one we had been saving for, for at least 5 years. It became real. We ate pizza and gelato in Rome. We had massive, unrelenting jet lag. We stayed in the cheapest hotels, and ate grocery store bread because we were blowing our budget. The whole travel experience. Finally real again.

We made it to Rome!! Traveling to Italy in 2021


What’s going on now?

Today, we’re hanging out in Genoa, seeing the sights, before heading to Cinque Terra, and Switzerland in a few days. I wish I had the right words for how incredibly wonderful this all feels, but I don’t.

What I can say, is thank you. Thank you so much for coming along with us on this wild ride. We’ve been van lifers, then DIY’ers, then Hawaii people, then back to Wisconsin vloggers, and now full-time-long-term international travelers. I can’t express how much it means to us that you’ve stuck with us through all of these changes, and continue to watch our videos and comment and (hopefully) enjoy them. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Right now we’re about to check out of our hotel that we booked with points (if you want to learn how to do the same, check out our Skillshare course on travel hacking here - because trying to find an affordable hotel in Italy on a Saturday in July is just impossible. It’s mega-hot, and we have to walk all the way across town to get there. Wish us luck.

We’ve been thinking and talking about our budget for this trip. We’re trying to make a budget of ~$30,000 work for a 1-year round-the-world trip, and as a result, we have to always be watching out for overspending. Italy is CRAZY expensive, especially right now, so this has been really hard, and honestly, we’ve been disagreeing a lot about how to spend our money. Should we just live for today, not worry about it, and maybe risk having to cut our trip short because we ran out of money? Or stick to the budget as planned so that 300 days from now we still have enough to keep going? It’s a hard thing to balance, and something we’ve been struggling with. We’re going to make a video about it, as it’s been something on our mind every single day. If you have any ideas or opinions on this matter, be sure to send them along. We would really appreciate it.

Video Highlight This Week

The moment Italy won against England on Penalties | Euro 2020 Final Celebration in Florence, Italy

If you missed this one, be sure to check it out. It’s a wild ride, and really shows the level of passion that Italy has for football (soccer). It’s like nothing I’d ever seen.

So, that’s it for this week. Personally, I can’t wait to show you Switzerland. Coming soon!

See you next Sunday :)

- josh (and lisa)