Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #12

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #12

Welcome back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

I’ve gotta say, it feels good to be back in my element.

Figuring out weird travel problems, arcane train ticket booking systems, figuring out 7-change-train-schedules to make it to Switzerland despite 2 trains being cancelled and one entire station being closed due to a track… falling off the tracks? I’m not even sure how that happens.

It feels like I’m doing the right thing right now, and it’s been a really long time since it’s been like that. Even though we’re stressed out about budgets, and being able to afford tours, and trying to get 5+ videos out per week… it all feels like good problems. Still problems, though. We made one of the hardest to make videos we’ve made so far, trying to be as transparent as possible about our financial situation and how we afford to travel like we are. It’s super uncomfortable being as open as we are about this, but I do really think it will be worth it if we can even help a single person out there get from “I can’t take this trip” to “I know exactly what it takes to go on a trip like this”. That’s our secret goal - to help just a single person who wants to go on a round-the-world trip commit and make their dream happen, and I think videos like this might just be the over-honesty that’s missing in most videos.

Harsh realities about traveling on a budget | Real talk about money

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone out there who took the time to provide their insight and ideas to help us get unstuck from our budgeting depression that we were in. All of your comments and helpful expertise caused us to have a really long conversation the next day about what both of us wanted out of the trip, how we should think about spending our money so that it’s fair for both Lisa and I, and how we can spend our money most wisely to make the best and most interesting content possible for all of you out there. Thank you so much again for your help - it means the world to us. That conversation led us to this next video - going on a Gondola tour in Venice - a thing that I thought, honestly, that we were going to skip because we couldn’t afford it. I’m so glad we actually did it.

Gondola Ride in Venice (And the BEST FREE view in all of Venice, Italy)

What’s going on now?

I’m writing this from Innsbruck, Austria, and we just had an amazing day walking all around the Old Town here, trying new food, and enjoying the more relaxed vibe here. After spending the last week (mostly on trains honestly) in Switzerland, it was nice to move somewhere a bit quieter. The place we were staying at in Interlaken was incredibly busy and loud. Innsbruck feels like a nice break. We booked 5 nights here using points (so we’re staying for free!), so we’re taking advantage of the nice hotel we’re in to get some work done, edit some more videos for y’all, and catch up on some much neede sleep.

Interlaken was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful, and mindbogglingly expensive. We’re talking burgers for $30 expensive. We had to cut back in some areas just to be able to stay there, but I really do think that we were able to see and do everything that we wanted to.

Just look at this place.

I mean, just look at this place.

In a few days we’re going to head to Munich to meet up some friends, and then off to Eastern Europe we go. :)

Video Highlight This Week

The beautiful old town of Genoa (Genova), Italy

I don’t think that Genoa (Genova) gets enough love. We had the literal best meal we’ve had in…. forever there, and it’s just such a beautiful city to walk around in. Plus, it’s close to Cinque Terra! That one coming soon :)

So, that’s it for this week. More great videos coming soon, this time with a new outlook on our money situation!

See you next Sunday…ish :)

- josh (and lisa)