Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #13

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #13

Welcome back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

Lucky number 13 this week. Thanks again for supporting us as we create content for y’all. We appreciate it, and hope you’ve been enjoying the more frequent videos.

So, the thing on the top of our minds right now is the very-recently-changing rules around the Vaccine Passport / EU Digital COVID Green Pass / vaccination certificate in Europe during our trip. For the first 3 weeks of our trip, our Vaccination Card was literally never checked. Not once. Now we’re being asked to show it roughly 4 times per day, every day, and this has seemingly happened overnight. At cafes, restaurants, bars, major tourist sites, to check into our hotel, before getting on a train or plane - you name it, we’re being asked to show it there.

We have a video coming out later today about exactly this, but I wanted to give you the low down on it here.

Essentially, you DEFINITELY need to bring your vaccination certificate (the CDC one that you got with the little stickers - we’re talking about this one.

Now, if you’re not vaccinated… well, the news isn’t great. At every location listed above - every restaurant, bar, hotel, etc - they’re asking for either a vaccination certificate or a negative COVID test. The amount of time these tests are valid for are different at each place that we go to - not just different in each city, but the rules change for each individual restaurant / hotel. Our hotel right now requires it from within the past 24 hours, the restaurant down the street within the past 48, and the airport within the past 72. No matter what, if you are unvaccinated and you come to Europe, expect to take at least a few COVID tests while you’re here. Luckily, COVID tests are pretty cheap and definitely readily available, but don’t be surprised if you have to get tested every few days.

We also managed to get the EU digital COVID green pass in Germany, which is NOT required, but has made our lives a bit simpler when traveling. We were worried about losing our little piece of paper (of which you should DEFINITELY make some copies of, and just bring a copy around with you), and having the digital pass eased our minds on that, and it’s accepted everywhere. Most places have no idea how to validate a legitimate CDC Vaccination Card vs a fake one, so a small amount have stopped accepting them. Definitely not required for your 2 week vacation here (just bring the paper version), but if you’re spending a few months in Europe like we are, getting the digital one is a good idea. We will make a video about how exactly we got it, coming soon.

Ok, that’s enough of that. Just wanted to share this info as it’s new, and very important for anyone thinking of coming to Europe.

Cinque Terre Day Trip

Our trip to Cinque Terre was beautiful, and sweaty. Check this video out - it’s a fun one :)


This was an important moment for us - slowing down a bit, thinking about our trip differently. This all came from our budgeting video we put out last week, and I think we’ve really come to a good place with all of it now.

What’s going on now?

We’re about to meet up with our friends in Munich, and even though it’s raining, have the best day going from Beer Garden to Hofbrauhaus to more Beer Gardens. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen a familiar face, and I can’t wait.

Tomorrow, we’re heading to Budapest, one of my favorite cities in Europe. I’m not sure how it will feel now, but I’m hoping it will be at least a bit like I remember it.

The thing that’s kind of hanging over our heads right now is the upcoming Camino De Santiago that we’re going to be walking. The COVID situation in Spain is not going well, and the idea of walking 500+ miles is also super overwhelming to think about. It’s scary right now, but we’re still going to try our best to do it. I’ve never walked that far before… and I probably never will again after we finish lol. We’re cautiously excited. Has anyone out there done the Camino? We would love any tips you could give us - hit us up @wearelisaandjosh on IG, we would really appreciate any insight you have.

So, that’s it for this week. More great videos coming soon!

See you next Sunday…ish :)

- josh (and lisa)