Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #14

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #14

Welcome back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

Ooooook, back with another Sunday breakfast with Lisa & Josh. We’re so glad you joined us this weekend :) Hope you’re having a good one so far! I’m writing this to you from Prague today.

More countries, more new currencies, more new rules - it’s starting to get a bit overwhelming at this point.

The thing we’re thinking the most about this week is definitely the upcoming Camino De Santiago that we’re about to embark upon. You know - the 500 mile walk all across Spain? The one that we’re definitely not in anywhere near good shape enough to do? The one that we don’t really know anything about - like where to start, what credentials what need, what gear we need, where we sleep at night? That one.

We spent today figuring out how to even get to the starting line - St. Jean Pied de Port. We have to first take a 12 hour train all across Europe to get to Paris, then spend a few nights there picking up the last few (actually a lot of) things we need to make it all the way across the northern part of Spain over the next 5 weeks. It will be quite a journey, and we have no idea what we’re doing.

Apparently we stay in places called “Albergues” that are volunteer run super-huge hostels, like the one above. There’s a whole infrastructure put in place just for the Camino - it’s a big deal. Peregrinos, or pilgrims (which is what we will be), in the hundreds of thousands walk this every year, for a variety of reasons. The accomodations are super cheap - like $10 per night - but you can only stay 1 night. They’re literally just bare-bones hostels made for one specific purpose - housing the seemingly-infinite pilgrims as they make their way across Spain to Santiago de Compostela on the way of St. James.

There’s so much to say on that - we’ll be covering it all in depth once we start. Let’s talk about where we are at in video-land.

The Land of Free Beer and Boat Tours - Interlaken Switzerland

We literally got free beer and a free boat tour while in Interlaken. What a blessing this place is.

How much does a 2 week trip to Italy cost?

We also went through and put together all of our costs from our very recent 2 week trip to Italy. This is a more logistical video, but I’m hoping that it will be really helpful for people thinking of coming to Europe in the near future.

What’s going on now?

Today we walked ALL over Prague, and went to one of my favorite bars in the whole world - Bike Jesus. It’s an eccentric, genuinely weird, amazing bar that’s on an island in the middle of the river here. The beer here is great, and the music is almost always a live EDM DJ blasting music here from sun up to sun down. It feels like chaos and freedom and beauty.

After that we went over the Charles Bridge, found some food, and headed back to write this email :)

But man, that Camino. We have some work to do, and soon.

So, that’s it for this week. More great videos coming soon!

See you next Sunday…ish :)

- josh (and lisa)