Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #15

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #15

Welcome back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

What’s up from the train on the way to St. Jean Pied de Port. Yeah, I said it. It’s time to start the Camino de Santiago. We’re getting into our hotel at 10 pm tonight, then back up at 6 am tomorrow morning to get our Pilgrims Passport, send our extra stuff to the end of the walk (500 miles west), and then we start. The quest begins. We’re both so nervous.

Our channel is going to become a much slower moving channel soon, and much more centered around hiking. We really want to do this experience justice, and I hope that we can even come close. This Pilgrimage has such a long, storied history, and it’s so important to so many people… and we really want to tell the story the right way. Let us know as these videos start to come out if we’re even close.

We spent the past few days getting as ready as we could - packing, repacking, getting rid of stuff, buying new hiking gear, and just generally wondering how in the world we were going to physically, actually, walk 500 miles with that much weight on our packs. It just seems like such an undertaking.

I think the rhythm of walk will go something like this:Wake up at 6 am, pack up everything, splash some water on the face, eat some bread and cheese for breakfast.Walk for 6 hours in the heat.Stop at a restaurant. Have a beer. Convince yourself, even though you definitely don’t want to, to keep walking to reach your destination.Walk for another 3 hours.Get to the hostel.Have dinner with some cool people.Somehow summon the energy to edit a video and get it onto YouTube.Pass out.Rinse, repeat.


Outside of that, we’ve had a pretty rough week. Bad sleep, bad luck, and distraction. But, you’re not here to hear us complain - let’s get to the fun stuff :)

The Mythological Travel Zero Day - Traveling for Free - Panorama Trail in Innsbruck, Austria

This is every budget long-term travelers dream day. To have an entire day in another country where you spend absolutely none of your own money. Living in Innsbruck for free, even if just for 24 hours, and with questionable accounting, is a beautiful thing :) This is one of my favorite videos I’ve made in a long time - I know it’s not for everyone, but for those that know, you’re gonna love it.

First Class Glacier Express for FREE? (Eurail Global Train Pass)

We also used our Eurail pass to take the First Class Glacier Express. It was everything we hoped it would be, and more.

What’s going on now?

Camino. And more Camino.

So, that’s it for this week. More great videos coming soon!

See you next Sunday…ish :)

- josh (and lisa)