Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #22

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #22

Welcome back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

The past few weeks have been so amazing - we’ve had so many friends come and visit us on our trip. It’s been such a nice change of pace for us - we had spent the majority of the first 3 months (ITS BEEN 3 MONTHS ALREADY??) of this trip by ourselves. Wandering around cities, eating all the kebab across Europe, walking across Spain, feeling like we’re living on trains… all of that is great, but it’s even better with a few friendly faces to share the experience with. Long term travel can become a bit lonely, and more than a little isolating. It’s really easy to feel like your world at home is just passing you by - you miss parties, gatherings, birthdays, weddings… just about everything. Having a bit of that come to us, where we are, was such a blessing.

We spent a few days seeing all the gigantic Game Of Thrones castles in Split, and then caught a very long flight from there to Santorini, via Germany. The experience of being back on a plane and doing all the COVID-travel things had a nice sense of normalcy to it, but also reminded us just how lucky we are to even be able to do this trip at all.

From there, we ended up crossing paths with our new friends the One Pack Wanderers - Tia and Cheveyo! They make awesome travel videos on YouTube, and you should really check their stuff out. We had such a great time zooming around Santorini on our ATVs, having drag races, and just hanging out. It was so nice to meet cool people that are also making videos - and make some new friends. You’re gonna love the Santorini videos :)

A perfect day :)

Today we’re hopping on a boat to head to Naxos. It’s jusssssstttt before the end of their season, so most places are wrapping up or closed already, but it should be a nice and relaxing place to be. I think that’s just what we need right now.

That’s what we’re up to. Lots of amazing videos coming up soon :)

Videos this week

It’s hard to put words to just how important hostels are to me. They were the shining beacon at the end of a long flight, filled with interesting people, cheap beer, and guaranteed good times. You’d walk in the front door, check into your room, find your bed, and immediately jump in and join the fun in the common area. You’d learn all about a new amazing restaurant in Thailand, or some epic hike in Switzerland, or a beautiful beach somewhere exotic without tourists (except you). There was always someone to talk to, someone to connect with, someone from a different part of the world with an amazing story. It feels like the magic of hostels has slowly started to erode away over time, and COVID really accelerated that.

Has COVID ruined Hostels Forever? Camino de Santiago - Palas de Rei to Melide

This one is our decision to take the Camino at our own pace - doing it our way. It definitely didn’t make everyone happy - I think there’s a lot of opinions out there about the “right” way to do the Camino de Santiago, and it makes sense that each of these opinions are wildly different from each other. Walking it from St Jean, cycling it, starting out the front door of your house and walking until you get there, walking just the last 100km from Sarria, flying straight to Santiago… there’s a lot of options. If there’s one thing we’ve learned so far - it’s that there’s no wrong way.

We almost quit the Camino de Santiago

So, that’s it for this week. More great videos coming soon!

See you next Sunday…ish :)

- josh (and lisa)

Oh, and if you want to learn how we afford to take all these trips after quitting our jobs last year, you’ll likely be interested in our Skillshare course on Travel Hacking and Frequent Flier Miles. It’s been really taking off lately, but we still have a few uses of this link left for those of you who want to see the class for free. It comes with a free month of Skillshare, which is more than enough to watch our class and any of the other great courses on there!

Check it out here: