Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #23

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #23

Welcome back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

Hello from Athens!

We’ve been island hopping from Santorini to Naxos to Athens on the amazing ferries in Greece, having an absolute blast of a time - except that we both got nasty colds. Don’t worry, don’t worry, it’s not that.

We’ve been spending a lot of time recovering, hanging out in our hotel, and trying our best to eat healthier to kick this cold. We haven’t been filming a lot, which has been a nice change of pace from the previous few weeks of filming literally every single day. You don’t realize how quickly you get rusty at making videos until you stop for a little bit - it’s definitely taking a lot to get our momentum back to where we were during the Camino - filming and editing every single day.

Now, is it possible that we got sick because literally all we’ve eaten for the past 2 weeks are gyros? Or because it’s Fall and getting colder and we’re flying around the islands on ATVs all day? Or because we never actually sleep a full nights rest anywhere because Europe doesn’t believe in pillows that are more than 1 inch thick?

Maybe. Ok, probably. But, for real - Europe, please get some real pillows. Thank you. I think me complaining about this means that I am officially old now.

Naxos was INCREDIBLE, and I’ll go so far as to say that Santorini is quite overrated in comparison to the beauty and calm of Naxos. I know, I know, GASP. YOU CAN’T SAY THAT ABOUT SANTORINI. I can, and I will. Naxos is better, and makes for a better relaxing trip destination. Santorini is good for those photos north of Fira, you know the ones, but in all other metrics - you should go to Naxos.

There, I said it. I feel better now. I hope you do too. It was a heavy weight on my chest for a while.

We’re both over our colds now in Athens, and are going to go out and see the Acropolis, if it ever stops pouring rain.

When we’re not doing that, we’re finishing up our Camino videos. In the process of going back through all that footage and watching ourselves, we can really see the lasting positive effects that the Camino had on us. It was hard, and we whined a lot (sorry), but it definitely changed us for the better, forever. Check out our most recent one (linked below) to see what I’m on about. We also have our final video coming out later today, and I think it sums it all up really nicely.

Thanks again for following along with us as we found our footing on that beast of a hike. It means the world to us.

Videos this week

Getting into a Stranger's Car on the Camino | Two Days Until Santiago

This one is all about how the Camino requires sacrifices, but always gives more than it takes. It’s just how it is.

The Unfiltered Camino de Santiago Experience | Walking Tour - Melide to Arzua

This one is all about taking a creative risk on our channel. We wanted to make something very different, and very without us in it, and this was the end result. Thank you for letting us make different videos outside of our lane, and still enjoying them. We love y’all.

So, that’s it for this week. More great videos coming soon!

See you next Sunday…ish :)

- josh (and lisa)

Oh, and if you want to learn how we afford to take all these trips after quitting our jobs last year, you’ll likely be interested in our Skillshare course on Travel Hacking and Frequent Flier Miles. It’s been really taking off lately, but we still have a few uses of this link left for those of you who want to see the class for free. It comes with a free month of Skillshare, which is more than enough to watch our class and any of the other great courses on there!

Check it out here: