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- Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #25
Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #25
Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #25
Welcome back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!
Hello from Rabat, Morocco! Just in case you were wondering from our last Breakfast email - landing into Casablanca airport is very, very far from what the movie made it look like. It’s not even remotely romantic, and is filled to the brim with taxi drivers all trying to scam you. Still, there was something magical about it - but it ain’t the movie.
We’re traveling around the Rabat area of Morocco right now, trying to get used to the very different feeling that it has when compared to the countries that we had been to. There’s so much life and energy here, so much beauty, and so many different creative scams that it’s just an assualt on the senses every day as soon as you walk out of your door.
We spent some points on a very uncharacteristically super-bougie hotel in Casablanca just to see what it was like, and we were just blown away. It was breathtakingly beautiful, had one of the most amazing gyms that we’ve ever seen, and for the first time in as long as we can remember, a real, actual pillow. Not those tiny 1-inch thick pillows that are prevalent in every single budget hotel in all of Europe, but a real, comfortable, pillow. It’s the little things when you’re traveling for a living.
We did almost get scammed by the hotel who tried to charge us $60 for a breakfast that they had specifically told us was included. Morocco giveth, Morocco taketh away - primarily monetarily. I feel like I always have to be on extra-high guard whenever I’m doing business with anyone here - it’s hard to trust that they have our best intentions in mind whenever we buy anything from anyone.
For now, we’re hanging out with the One Pack Wanderers again - we found a great airbnb near Rabat right on the ocean and are making videos and talking YouTube here. It’s so nice to be able to connect with awesome people who are doing similar things to what you are, and be able to share ideas, wins, and mistakes we’ve made while on this filmmaking journey around the world.
Next up, we’re off to check out more of Morocco. Any tips for where to go? Let us know please :)
Also, here’s our new friends Samuel L. Catson and Batman (from his sleeping posture). We thought you might want to see them.
Videos this week
The food in Porto. THE FOOD!!
Here’s us exploring the best parts of Porto, and finding something truly amazing…
So, that’s it for this week. More great videos coming soon!
See you next Sunday…ish :)
- josh (and lisa)
Oh, and if you want to learn how we afford to take all these trips after quitting our jobs last year, you’ll likely be interested in our Skillshare course on Travel Hacking and Frequent Flier Miles. It’s been really taking off lately, but we still have a few uses of this link left for those of you who want to see the class for free. It comes with a free month of Skillshare, which is more than enough to watch our class and any of the other great courses on there!
Check it out here: https://skl.sh/3wstHhf