Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #30

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #30

Welcome back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

Can you believe we’ve done 30 of these? 30 weeks so far since we started this email newsletter! More than half a year of emails has gone by. Where did 2021 go?

We just announced the winners of our 5,000 subscriber giveaway (CONGRATS TO THOSE WHO WON!! sorrytothosewhodidnthopefullynexttime!)

After sending out those prizes, we spent the next few days in Phuket eating lots of delicious food, driving around on motorbikes, and going to hilariously dangerous water parks. It’s been an amazing time here in Thailand - it’s just SO nice to be back here. I honestly didn’t think that I’d ever get back here with all that’s going on in the world right now. Delta, omicron, who knows what’s coming next… there’s just too much. We just feel so blessed and lucky right now.

From Phuket we went onto Koh Phi Phi, which felt beautiful, but also VERY quiet. Phi Phi was, usually, a backpacker haven just filled to the brim with people interested exclusively in partying on the beach until 3 am. All of those bars and restaurants are closed, and it has turned into a quiet, beautiful paradise that also just doesn’t feel quite right.

I missed the life that was there - the energy, the excitement, the near-insanity of fire dancers mixed with free shots and pounding tropical house music until the sun came up. It was the yin to the fancy-pants resort yang of Koh Phi Phi. It made it feel whole, complete. Right now it feels like half of an island. But, it will probably never feel like this ever again, so with each bad thing comes something new and good. My nostalgia of what it once was is the only thing making the experience feel a bit off.

From there we went on to Surat Thani and lived up the big city life (and took a few MUCH needed days off), and now we are in Koh Samui. I’ve been waiting to get here for a long, long, long time. I love this place with all of my heart. It’s one of those places that just feels right whenever I arrive - just feels like home, immediately upon getting off the ferry and into the oversized airconditioned white van to drive to Chaweng Beach. There’s really no place like it, and honestly I would be a bit sad if I found another place that was. That’s how special it is to me - it’s just right. I don’t know how else to say it.


When we hit 100,000 subscribers, we're going to give away a trip around the world to one of you. Yep. We're literally going to send one of you on a trip around the world once we hit 100,000 subscribers here on YouTube.

One of the biggest reasons we started this channel was to inspire and show others that they CAN travel. On top of that, we wanted to help people actually do it and show people it is possible. Because before we did it, we didn’t think it was either. We decided the ultimate way to make this happen is to also just give people the means to actually travel.

While it still seems so far away, we have never felt more excited about a goal. As we get closer to our goal, we will smooth out the details aaaand we'll definitely need to work with an accountant to figure out how to do this - anyone know a good one? 🙂

We know, more than most, that the biggest hurdle to taking a trip is the finance part of it. Sometimes it is hard to know where to even start. We know that we're incredibly lucky to be able to do this, and we think that this experience, and all that travel we've done, has been life changing for us in the best possible way, and we want to make it our purpose to give away the gift of travel as often as we can, as our channel grows.

So, all of the money that we make from this channel above how much it costs for us to keep eating (all those kebabs), traveling, and making these videos, will go towards sending one of you on this trip around the world.

So, stick around. More info to come as we get closer to this goal - we can’t wait :)

Videos this week

What It's Like to Fly to PHUKET, THAILAND Right Now - Thailand Pass Test and Go Sandbox

In this one we flew to Thailand, and talked ALL about ALL of the various hoops that you have to jump through to get there. It’s a great video (we think), and should be really helpful for anyone else thinking of coming to Thailand right now.

Exploring Singapore GARDENS BY THE BAY - Cloud Forest WATERFALL

We went to go see the amazing and beautiful Cloud Forest of Singapore, and have a lovely night underneath the stars and the Supertrees. What a city.


Here’s the winners of the 5,000 subscriber giveaway, in case you missed it!

So, that’s it for this week. More great videos coming soon!

See you next Sunday…ish :)

- josh (and lisa)

Oh, and if you want to learn how we afford to take all these trips after quitting our jobs last year, you’ll likely be interested in our Skillshare course on Travel Hacking and Frequent Flier Miles. It’s been really taking off lately, but we still have a few uses of this link left for those of you who want to see the class for free. It comes with a free month of Skillshare, which is more than enough to watch our class and any of the other great courses on there!

Check it out here: