Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #34

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #34

Welcome back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

Happy holidays, and HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! What a year it’s been. It’s honestly hard to wrap our heads around. We tried thinking of different ways to make sense of the past 365 days - there’s been times of hope, times of despair, times of struggle, and times where everything was easy as pumpkin pie. It’s been honestly all over the board. Good and bad, and absolutely no way to predict at all what the future is going to bring.

So we had to lean on our trusty (and free) tool called the Year Compass. It’s a booklet (or PDF if you’re not into printing stuff) that you fill out, either alone or with someone that you share life with, and helps you think through the last year - what was good, what you’re still holding on to that needs letting go, and what type of person that last year made you become. It also helped us set a course for the next year - 2022 is going to be awesome, and we have a clear set of intentions for it now, thanks to the Year Compass. This isn’t sponsored or anything, the thing is free, and we really loved it, and it helped us make sense of the mess that was 2021, and also make sense of what we want the upcoming year to become. I’ll put a link to it here - it’s really amazing.

We talked through everything about the last year, and the year to come, but the biggest takeaway for us was that we REALLY need to focus on our health - both mental and physical. Traveling full time while doing YouTube full time has not made it particularly easy to get into shape. You’d think we would have all the time in the world, and really be able to make better food and lifestyle decisions, but in reality we have absolutely no routine to fall back on at all. We oftentimes just need to eat whatever is given to us by the airline we’re flying, or whatever is cheap at the markets. We’ve also found it hard to fit in a consistent workout routine, because we never really know what our hotels or Airbnbs will have. All of these are excuses, for sure, but we realized that we need to set aside more time now than ever to get our health back in line. Myself (Josh) - I’m 30lbs over the weight that I want to be at - the place where I feel most healthy - and it’s time to start the journey back to there. We’re also looking at introducing more meditation into our daily lives, and most importantly, finding some way to balance our work and lives on the road. That’s our biggest thing for this year - 2022 is going to be the year we stop procrastinating on our health. It’s gone too far, and it’s time to get that part in order.

I don’t usually recommend things too often here, but I would really recommend taking a look at the Year Compass, or really any tool that you can find that helps you wrap up the last year and set intentions for the next one. It’s such an important thing, and it’s worth the time.

Anyway, enough about that :) After leaving Koh Phangan, we took a super-duper long overnight ferry-bus-train-bus ride to Bangkok, and then settled into the comfy life at the Hyatt Place here. Using points of course - we don’t actually pay for hotels like this - it’s just a nice treat every once in a while :)

This hotel is spectacular, and was just the perfect place for us to take a bit of time to catch up with all of our family and friends that we haven’t had a chance to talk to recently due to time zone difference, working all the time on YouTube, and just generally not being all that great at keeping in touch. We had the perfect New Years here in Bangkok, and now are about to head to a nice Airbnb and get back to filming after a few days away from the camera.

2022 is going to be the best year yet. I can feel it.


When we hit 100,000 subscribers, we're going to give away a trip around the world to one of you. Yep. We're literally going to send one of you on a trip around the world once we hit 100,000 subscribers here on YouTube.

One of the biggest reasons we started this channel was to inspire and show others that they CAN travel. On top of that, we wanted to help people actually do it and show people it is possible. Because before we did it, we didn’t think it was either. We decided the ultimate way to make this happen is to also just give people the means to actually travel.

While it still seems so far away, we have never felt more excited about a goal. As we get closer to our goal, we will smooth out the details aaaand we'll definitely need to work with an accountant to figure out how to do this - anyone know a good one? 🙂

We know, more than most, that the biggest hurdle to taking a trip is the finance part of it. Sometimes it is hard to know where to even start. We know that we're incredibly lucky to be able to do this, and we think that this experience, and all that travel we've done, has been life changing for us in the best possible way, and we want to make it our purpose to give away the gift of travel as often as we can, as our channel grows.

So, all of the money that we make from this channel above how much it costs for us to keep eating (all those kebabs), traveling, and making these videos, will go towards sending one of you on this trip around the world.

So, stick around. More info to come as we get closer to this goal - we can’t wait :)

Videos this week


In this one we talk about all the changes to Koh Tao, and how it feels after 2 years of having absolutely no tourists. It’s changed, and we think for the better.

Surprising my husband with his DREAM TRAVEL DAY - Koh Phangan, Thailand

I usually do most of the planning and logistics - you know, the boring stuff, how to get from place to place, should we take a plane or ferry or hot air balloon, where should we stay, Airbnb vs hotel vs hostel, etc etc etc. Lisa gave me the day off, and planned a perfect travel day for me - complete with all the stuff that I love doing. It was amazing :)

The one where we learn to SCUBA DIVE in KOH TAO, THAILAND

It would be quite a waste to go all the way to Koh Tao and not do some scuba diving :) The lovely people over at Simple Life Divers brought us out to see the amazing sea life.

So, that’s it for this week. More videos coming soon!

See you next Sunday…ish :)

- josh (and lisa)

Oh, and if you want to learn how we afford to take all these trips after quitting our jobs last year, you’ll likely be interested in our Skillshare course on Travel Hacking and Frequent Flier Miles. It’s been really taking off lately, but we still have a few uses of this link left for those of you who want to see the class for free. It comes with a free month of Skillshare, which is more than enough to watch our class and any of the other great courses on there!

Check it out here: