Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #39

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #39

Welcome Back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

This week has been filled with work, work, and more work. We haven’t really stepped foot outside of our house here in Chiang Mai except to go to a coffeeshop to get more work done. This is definitely the part of being full time YouTubers that doesn’t get talked about a lot. We spend days, and, here in Chiang Mai, even weeks on larger projects just sitting inside on our laptops making videos and hoping that it helps someone out there. It’s definitely work. Fun work, but still, certainly work.

We’ve been working on two major projects this week that will be released (hopefully) soon - 1. Our Camino de Santiago documentary. This is a HUGE undertaking, and Lisa has been working around the clock trying to finish this thing and get it into the world. It’s 1 hour+, and we’re so, so proud of it. Can’t wait to show it to you all.2. Part 2 and 3 of the “How to Quit Your Job and Travel the World” series. Each of these videos takes days to edit, because we want to get the feeling, tone, and information JUST right. If we help even one person go on the trip of their dreams, it will have all been totally worth it. This one is coming out today!! :)

We’re also filming and putting out our usual vlogs in between these major releases, and it’s starting to feel like we’re just a full time media production house, instead of people who are traveling that also happen to make videos for YouTube sometimes. That’s not what we signed up for, and I think we need to shake things up a bit. Riiiiight after we finish up these huge undertakings that we started forever ago. We just have to get them out the door.

We’re incredibly lucky to be able to do all of this - we realize just how absolutely bonkers this life is that we lead. We get to make movies that (some) people like, and that even sometimes help people out there. It’s truly a blessing. We also get to meet awesome people and share special places like this, and make videos about it, just because it’s amazing and deserves to be shared.

This day was almost the perfect day, until we got cut off by a car going the wrong way down our street and had to slam on the brakes of our motorbike and take a super hard fall going 20 mph. That put a bit of a damper on our day, but it’s only a few cuts and bruises - it could have been much worse. Still - driving in Chiang Mai has been quite a challenge, to say the least.

So we’re partially staying inside all the time to lick our wounds until we feel better, but also because we’re a bit afraid to hop back on the motorbike around here. It’s quite terrifying, and that accident we had has really shaken us up.

ANYWAY - for now, we’re just trying to find our footing here again, being super productive and going to the gym every day, and generally waiting until we have the courage up again to get on the road again. And the side effect of that is that we’re going to put out some truly epic, huge videos very soon. :)

Next week will be, hopefully (if we can get back on the metal-horse-of-doom that is our motorbike) much more adventurous as we have so much we want to see here in Chiang Mai!

Videos this week

From Dream to Reality - How to Quit Your Job and Travel the World - Part 2

How to Quit Your Job and Travel the World Part 2. We’re so proud of this one, we really, really hope it helps somebody out there go on a huge adventure.

The best Saturday morning you'll spend in Chiang Mai กาดบะป๊าว เชียงใหม่

We went and visited the local Coconut Plantation market, and had a blast while making our own coffee. What a place. Beautiful doesn’t start to describe it.

Trying tasty crickets in Chiang Mai's Chinatown

Lisa tried crickets, and found them to be absolutely… delicious actually! :)

So, that’s it for this week. More videos coming soon!

See you next Sunday…ish :)

- josh (and lisa)

Oh, and if you want to learn how we afford to take all these trips after quitting our jobs last year, you’ll likely be interested in our Skillshare course on Travel Hacking and Frequent Flier Miles. It’s been really taking off lately, but we still have a few uses of this link left for those of you who want to see the class for free. It comes with a free month of Skillshare, which is more than enough to watch our class and any of the other great courses on there!