Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #4

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #4

Welcome back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

Whew, 7 videos in 7 days. What an experience. It really kept us busy this week making a video every single day. We love the whole process, but it might have just been a bit too much for us.

This past week we did a lot of hiking, shopping, surfing… everything really. With our time in Hawaii coming to an end in a few weeks, we’ve been feeling like we have to see everything and do everything before we leave. Pearl Harbor was definitely a highlight for us, as was Ka’Ena point. We realized after doing some research that the West Coast of Oahu is not very well documented, there just isn’t very much information about it. So, I think that’s our next quest - make some videos about all the amazing stuff on the west side.

So, so beautiful.

Today’s video was Ka’ena point - an amazingly beautiful hike often overlooked by tourists due to it being really really far away from Honolulu and Waikiki. This is the beginning of more off-the-beaten-path videos about the west side from us. Do you have any tips or anything that we should see while we are out there? Let us know!

What an experience - so much random stuff.

Then we did some shopping at the Aloha Stadium Swap Meet. Talk about random - I think every product in existence is sold here by someone. There was a guy selling used power tools right next to a guy selling exclusively gummy candies, right next to a guy selling coat-blanket-snap-towels. Don’t ask about that last one - it was weird, and seemed surprisingly useful.

With our time in Hawaii coming to an end soon-ish, we’re starting to think about what’s next. It seems like we’re going to be seeing family that we haven’t been able to see for a long time, and then working on fixing up the van to get it ready for sale. We have some projects to do up at the cabin to get it ready for the 4th of July, and then… who knows? Going to Japan is seeming like a smaller and smaller probability with every day that passes, so we’re starting to explore other options. Walking the Camino de Santiago was just recently brought to our attention - maybe it will be that. We have a lot of options, and a lot of time coming up soon, so really anything is possible.

Anyway - thank you so much for reading this, and for sharing a bit of your breakfast time with us. We really appreciate it! Next one is coming next Sunday - we hope you have a great week :)

josh (and lisa)