Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #41

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #41

Welcome Back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

As I’m sitting here looking at this unspeakably beautiful river at this incredible hotel that cost $25 on the outskirts of Bangkok, I’m realizing that there’s a lot I’m going to miss about Thailand. We’ve been here for 25% of a year, and having that amount of time pass is just honestly a bit… impossible to comprehend.

$25 goes a long, long way here if you play your cards right.

Between the implausibly large street food market filled with hundreds of delicious foods that is literally directly outside of this hotel (that would certainly be seen as a “detriment to property value” if this hotel was in the US, and “would be promptly removed"), the sunset in front of me as I write this, the sound of longtail boats passing through the river at mach-5 to make it through all that greenery, not to mention the friendliest and kindest people we meet in any given interaction, and the fact that we just had a massive dinner and drinks at a beautiful canal-side cafe for $8… yeah, I guess I’m feeling a bit wispy eyed that we’re hitting the road tomorrow.

Not to say that there aren’t some things that I won’t completely miss - the inexplicably soaking-wet-from-floor-to-ceiling bathrooms, motorbikes in every possible direction, the possibility of bubble guts that comes with trying new foods, brushing our teeth with bottled water, lots of plastic everything, cold showers, people beckoning us on every street corner to buy something and we aren’t quite sure what it is... But all of that comes in the package of going to Thailand, and that is one amazing package, even with it’s numerous oddities.

We start our day tomorrow by getting a Tuk Tuk to the airport at 4:30 am to catch our plane to Australia. We might just be the first tourist plane into Australia, period - they are opening their borders tomorrow for the first time in 2 years. I’m sure everything will be just fine. Right? Right.

Tomorrow we begin another chapter in this journey of ours - a journey through the land down under, via campervan, for the next month or so. We can’t wait to bring you along for every step of the way, and hopefully show you some amazing things we get up to in Australia.

But really, what we’re thinking about right now are the facts that -

  1. Somehow we made a frickin’ real whole documentary, and it took us 3+ months

  2. That documentary is releasing tomorrow on YouTube to all of you, and we’re super nervous and hope you love it

  3. We’re super proud (and nervous. did we say nervous?) of the feature length film that we’ve made

Finding Our Way - A Camino de Santiago Documentary

That’s right, our documentary about the Camino de Santiago goes live tomorrow. We’ve been working on this thing forever, and it’s without a doubt the most meaningful and most challenging thing we’ve ever made. I can’t honestly comprehend how we went from the people that made our first few videos (please don’t watch them, they’re so cringey it hurts) to the fully fleshed out movie that you’re going to see tomorrow. It’s been such a huge project that we’ve been working on for so long… it’s pretty nerve wracking to see it sent out to all of you. This one is our hearts, our souls, our feelings, our everything put into a single movie - around the amazing walk-of-a-lifetime that is the Camino de Santiago.

It’s obviously way, way different from anything else we’ve ever made, and we really, really hope you like it. We’re so nervous about it, that we’re actually going to cut ourselves off from looking at how it’s received for a full 24 hours just to make the next day bearable. (Helps that we will be stuck on a 9 hour flight :) so…) It’s a big deal for us, and we just really want to thank you all for sticking with us as we learned on the job to get us to this point. You all mean the world to us, in the most literal way. From the bottom of our hearts - thank you. We wouldn’t, and couldn’t, do any of this without you.

See you in Australia :)

Videos this week

Finding Our Way - A Camino de Santiago Documentary

The thing we’ve been working on for seemingly forever. We’re super proud of this Camino de Santiago documentary - it’s a very different video from what we normally make. We hope you like it :)

Australia is finally reopening! Plus New Travel Restrictions on Travel Thursday

TRAVEL THURSDAY IS BACK! And, hopefully, better than ever. We talk about all things travel, what’s open, what’s closed, and what’s coming up.

Why is no one talking about Chiang Dao Thailand?

Everyone told us to head to Pai, but fresh from our scooter accident, we weren’t exactly keen. We landed on Chiang Dao and wow, it was so much better than we thought it would be. Hot springs make everything magical.

So, that’s it for this week. More videos coming soon!

See you next Sunday…ish :)

- josh (and lisa)

Oh, and if you want to learn how we afford to take all these trips after quitting our jobs last year, you’ll likely be interested in our Skillshare course on Travel Hacking and Frequent Flier Miles. It’s been really taking off lately, but we still have a few uses of this link left for those of you who want to see the class for free. It comes with a free month of Skillshare, which is more than enough to watch our class and any of the other great courses on there!