Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #45

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #45 - The Comeback Story Begins

Welcome Back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

Yesterday, it all turned around for us.

We had been burned out for so long that we forgot what normal felt like. We were just going through the motions on this trip - waking around in a daze, staying inside way more than we were going out, watching far too many movies, not sightseeing at all, making YouTube videos and then throwing them out - it was just all falling apart.

The campervan did more damage to us than we had originally thought - it just came at such a bad time in our trip, and we were met with such unreasonable anger from the company, that we were believing, even if just for a moment, that we should really start thinking about going home. We felt like just giving up.

However, after yesterday, it really does feel like it’s all turned around.

It feels like we were able to fully close that last chapter of our trip - basically from Chiang Mai until, well, today - and leave all that bad juju and burned out-ness behind us.

And I’ve got to tell you - it was about time.

Our friends the Flying Finnies invited us out on their boat to have a wonderful sail around Sydney Harbour, and it really did change everything for us.

As we hopped on the boat, got everything ready, and took off sailing under the Harbour Bridge and past the Opera House, the past month started disappearing. We felt ourselves with more energy, more excitement - that adventurous spirit that brought us on this trip in the first place - coming back to us. It felt like we were alive again.

After an absolutely perfect day involving a mind-blowingly incredible lunch overlooking a perfect beach, us both getting to captain the boat, and Lisa sailing us under the Harbour Bridge during a truly epic sunset, we got back to our dingy-literally-the-cheapest-hostel-in-all-of-Sydney accommodations, put our packs down on the top bunk of our bunk bed, and feel asleep immediately.

For the first time in… who knows how long, everything felt right in the world.

Big thanks to the Flying Finnies for inviting us out :) You guys are the best, and it meant more to us than you can possible imagine.

Next up - my parents are flying into Sydney to join up with us for the next few months. It’s going to be quite an adventure :)

Videos This Week

How travel vlogging ruined travel for us | Surfer's Paradise, Gold Coast Australia

This is how we’ve been feeling for far, far too long.

How We Afford to Travel Full Time | How To Quit Your Job & Travel the World Part 3

Part 3 of our How to Quit Your Job and Travel the World series - this one’s all about the money. How we saved up to go on this big adventure that we’re on right now. It’s the best one yet - definitely worth your time.

Making KANGAROO friends at Steve Irwin's AUSTRALIA ZOO

Hello Kangaroo friend :)

So, that’s it for this week. More videos coming soon!

See you next Sunday…ish :)

- josh (and lisa)

P.S. - We gave our website quite a facelift, and added some new, very interesting stuff. If you made it this far into the email, you’re the first to know about it :)

Oh, and if you want to learn how we afford to take all these trips after quitting our jobs last year, you’ll likely be interested in our Skillshare course on Travel Hacking and Frequent Flier Miles. It’s been really taking off lately, but we still have a few uses of this link left for those of you who want to see the class for free. It comes with a free month of Skillshare, which is more than enough to watch our class and any of the other great courses on there!