Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #58 - Rebuilding our lives

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #58 - Rebuilding our lives

Welcome Back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

Building a life around travel has turned out to be a bit more complicated than we thought.

We came up with a plan at the end of the last 1 year RTW trip - we knew that we wanted to be traveling about half the time, but we were missing the other half - a home base. We hadn’t needed one on the whole trip. We just kept going and going and going.

Our perfect life would be one where we spend half the time traveling around the world. Making awesome videos. Exploring new places. Going on adventures.

And the other half? At our home base. Editing videos. Spending quality time with friends and family. Doing all the other parts of our YT channel that sometimes get ignored for too long. Like, say, taxes.

Josh working from one of our many hotel rooms

What working in a Seoul hotel room is like

The only problem? We can’t afford a home base. Not yet, at least. Putting down rent and signing a lease for a place that we’re only going to be at 50% of the time just feels… wasteful to us. We’re the type of people to eat ALL the food on the table, even if we’re super full, just so that we can avoid wasting any food (and so we know we got some good value for our $). We don’t throw away almost anything. We’d rather fix something that’s broken than throw it away and get a new one. (Or find a new owner for said thing…you’re welcome, friends and family!!) Yes, even if it would be cheaper and faster to.

We know we need some semblance of home for our sanity. Some place with all our stuff in it, that will be the same when we leave as when we come back. We’ve been going from hotel to hostel to airbnb to friend’s couches every 4-5 days like clockwork for the past 12 months. It’s honestly difficult to imagine what it would feel like to have a home, since we’ve had so many “homes” in the last few years. But it sounds like it would be awesome.

Cost is not the only factor - there’s a lot more to think about.

We’d need a place that’s right near a massive airport so we can go out on our bi-monthly filming trips, reasonable for our friends and family to visit, and accessible Octavius care. Oh yeah, and fast internet…plus easy to get around. Preferably not requiring a car, but fine if it does. Nice people. Good weather. Plenty more to think about, but you get the idea. Does the perfect place exist?

It’s an experiment for sure - this whole “having a home” thing after a couple of years of moving around so much. We might not even like it. We might need to spend more time filming than we think and never use it. We might pick the wrong place. We’ll probably pick the wrong place at first.

Anyone out there have any recommendations to help us narrow our search?

All that being said, we feel so, so lucky to call so many beautiful places “home” in the last several years. And even though we’ve left, it’s comforting to know we will always end up coming back. (Except van life. No more van life. Right?)

Home through the years…

The ground of an airport makes an excellent bed

Our Hawai’i home, friends and family always call to us

Our Chiang Mai home had everything you could need - chicken and rice next door and within 5 minutes of our friends at the gym and the Giving Tree Massage :)

Our Clunk Clunk home…was great while it lasted.

The best home is wherever this one is :)


Every year our group of friends from college gets together for a week to hang out and play board games and video games and catch up. This is that week. It’s awesome to see friends again :)

The (Near) Future

I think we’ve figured out what our next video series is going to be. It’s going to be amazing. I don’t want to say anything until it’s certain.

But in the meantime, more South Korea vlogs coming your way real, real soon.

Videos This Week

The Hawaii of Korea? 🇰🇷 Jeju Island Travel Vlog 제주도

They call Jeju Island the Hawai’i of Korea…

12 Hours on South Korea's Overnight Ferry 🇰🇷 Busan to Jeju

Overnight ferries are just magic.

See you next Sunday…ish :)

- josh (and lisa)

Oh, and if you want to learn how we afford to take all these trips after quitting our jobs last year, you’ll likely be interested in our Skillshare course on Travel Hacking and Frequent Flier Miles. It’s been really taking off lately, but we still have a few uses of this link left for those of you who want to see the class for free. It comes with a free month of Skillshare, which is more than enough to watch our class and any of the other great courses on there!

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