Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #6

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #6

Welcome back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

It just keeps feeling like these weeks are blowing by recently, and it’s hard to catch up. Anyone else out there feel like this?

We’ve been selling all of the stuff that we have here in Hawaii to prepare for our move back to Wisconsin - our car, blender, spice rack, extra blankets… literally everything. We’re trying to get back down to a single bag for each of us, which, with all the camera gear that we have to lug with us all of the time, is getting harder and harder. I had always made fun of the other YouTubers who had to check lots of bags whenever they traveled, but I think I’m starting to understand why they do it. The video-making gear is ever-growing. I thought technology was supposed to keep getting smaller? Some of it is, but now we just need more of it. We’re carrying camera, mic, drone, extra batteries, 2 laptops, extra hard drives, extra chargers, it just seems to keep going and going.

Preparing for the move has had a very focusing effect on us - we’re really going out every single day and trying to see as much of this beautiful place as we can, and make as many videos about it as we can. We’ve got about 2 weeks left before I have to fly back and tend to the van. These past 7 months went by wayyyy too quickly.

Visiting Hanauma Bay has never been so easy. Nor so complicated.

We made this video to show Hanauma Bay’s new online booking system. It’s MUCH better than just getting up at 6:45 AM to wait in an infinitely long line of cars to then be disappointed that you either won’t get a ticket at all, or will have to wait until like 2 pm to get in. That being said, it’s a brand new system, and doesn’t exactly work… well. Check out this video so that you can go and see this perfect snorkeling beach. This was one of the things that we absolutely HAD to do before leaving Hawaii, and this new system gave us a chance to do it. If you come here, you definitely should see this place. It’s genuinely incredible.

Oh. Yes.

This one is pretty self explanatory :) We found where all the good craft beer is in Hawaii, and it’s all grouped together in the same area. Talk about a perfect day - wandering around here, trying delicious beers and eating amazing food - yes please!

The good news keeps coming in for our trip to Europe this summer. If you didn’t see the news yet, check The NY Times article here - say that this is good news for us is putting it incredibly lightly - I burst into tears as I was reading this. It’s just… it’s been so long for us, and we’ve been looking forward to some good news on this for at least a year, and it’s just so nice to hear that, maybe, just maybe, the world will be going back to normal. I’m not sure if I dare to hope. It would just be so great if we could go.

Anyway - thank you so much for reading this, and for sharing a bit of your breakfast time with us. We really appreciate it! Next one is coming next Sunday - we hope you have a great week :)

josh (and lisa)