Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #7

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #7

Welcome back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

Moving - what a bummer.

We sold everything, including our car that we had in Hawaii, said goodbye to all of our friends and family there, and took a flight back to the Mainland. It felt wrong in a lot of ways - leaving behind the life that we had spent the past few months building. Leaving behind the beautiful sunshine, beaches, idyllic mountain ranges, everything. Hawaii truly is paradise in so many ways. However, we had other plans, and it looks like finally we might be able to take that round-the-world trip that we’ve always wanted. Maybe, just maybe.

Just a few days ago, the EU leadership got together and announced that they would be allowing travel for vaccinated tourists from the USA at the beginning of June. When I read this news, I cried happy tears. It was like a dream come true for us - we may actually get the opportunity to take the trip that we’ve always wanted to take. To go around the world for a year (or more), to see places like Paris, Rome, Zurich… I’m getting so excited just typing this out. It almost feels unbelievable. There’s hope. The world is reopening.

So, that’s exactly what we are going to try and do. Here’s the most current map of our trip - it’s a bit audacious to say the least.

We have a few things that we have to do before we can head out - most notably, selling our van. We’re really hoping to get one good trip in before we sell it - maybe just a little taste of what van life could have been had we not had every conceivable problem happen while we were trying to travel. The van is in better shape than it’s ever been, as we just cleaned it out, fixed all the numerous problems, and had Mercedes Benz fix the biggest problem of all - the weird engine issue that would just randomly shut the van down as we were driving. We’re listing the van for sale today, and honestly, it’s a bit hard to let go of now that it’s working so perfectly. However, we need the money so that we can our trip, so we have to sell it. Bah.

Goodbye Paradise.

This is our video looking back at all of our good times in Hawaii. It’s a great one.

The next few weeks are going to be a mixture of trip planning, van life, and seeing our family one last time before we hit the road on July 6th for a whole year. I’ve never been so ready for something in my entire life. It’s time.

Anyway - thank you so much for reading this, and for sharing a bit of your breakfast time with us. We really appreciate it! Next one is coming next Sunday - we hope you have a great week :)

josh (and lisa)