Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #9

Breakfast with Lisa & Josh #9

Welcome back to Breakfast with Lisa & Josh!

We sold the van.

It feels both good and bad. Uncertainty has been the hallmark of the past week. We kept going back and forth, all the way up to the last few minutes before we actually sold it, about whether we should keep the van or sell it. We love our Clunk Clunk (the name we gave our van), and it’s the first home that Lisa and I had together. And we built it ourselves. It’s just… ahhhh…. it’s done. Onward.

The money that came from selling it will go towards the trip that we’ve always wanted to take. It does, actually, feel real now. Even the New York Times says that it’s happening. Europe is opening (with testing and other safety precautions) throughout June, we have flights booked to Paris right after the 4th of July. It feels like this -

How we feel right now

It feels like freedom, mixed with regret. Which honestly is a good way to describe our last few months. Trying our best to make the best decision we can when most, if not all, of the things that we want to do are closed off to us. Like most others, we were just trying to make the best of a bad situation. I think we did pretty good considering. Having a bit of extra money from selling the van makes it all possible.

What’s next

Our next few weeks are being spent with friends and family, before we depart for + years of international travel. It’s so hard saying goodbye, knowing that we likely won’t see any of these people for quite a long time. They’re all excited for us, supportive of our decision to leave, but it’s still difficult. Saying goodbye doesn’t get easier, even after 3 (going on 4) times leaving for super long trips.

After that our good friends from Hawaii are coming to Wisconsin to experience 4th of July with us, and then we are off to Europe. I know we keep saying it, but this time it’s actually happening. It feels almost impossible thinking about landing in Paris and being able to be a traveler again. Staying a hostel again. Walking around a place we don’t know. Taking pictures in front of the Eiffel Tower. Eating weird food. Meeting amazing new people. The whole experience. I’m getting goosebumps just thinking about it. Something about it being taken away makes it so much more exciting now that it’s starting to be possible again.

And, for me personally, I’ll finally get to do the thing that I’m best at again. Traveling.

Videos this week

The Eurail Pass. Is it still worth it?

Is the Eurail pass still worth it? We spent some time this week trying to answer this question once and for all. We definitely think it is, but it’s a bit more complicated than a purely monetary decision.

So proud of this guy.

This one I’m really proud of, for so many reasons. Watching my pops be a role model for making real, positive change in the world is super inspiring. Not to mention just how long he fought for the change that he wanted to see, the change that he knew was right - he just never gave up. This one. Check it out, it means a lot to me.

Anyway - thank you so much for reading this, and for sharing a bit of your breakfast time with us. We really appreciate it! Next one is coming next Sunday - we hope you have a great week :)

josh (and lisa)